Study must proceed step by step in the proper order. 学习应该按部就班,循序渐进。
They take their seats in proper order. 他们依次入座。
It takes as input a list of words and combines them in proper order to provide a possible service name. 它将词语清单作为输入,并对其按适当的顺序进行组合,作为服务的可能名称。
If not, you may want to uninstall and re-install in the proper order to ensure your Web server knows how to handle acceptable Coldfusion files. 如果不能保证,也许您想卸载,并按正确的顺序重新安装这些配置文件,以确保Web服务器知道如何处理可接受的Coldfusion文件。
After constructing synonyms list, a service name composer component is employed to put these words together in the proper order to obtain all possible names of the service. 完成组建同义词清单之后,一个服务名称组合器(composer)组件将这些词按一个适当的顺序连接在一起,以此来获取服务所有可能的名称。
Make sure all of your travel and driver's documents are in proper order. 确保整理好你所有的旅行和驾驶文件。
And they prescribe punishments for those especially females who violate the proper order of things. 他们为此建立了惩罚机制,尤其对于妇女,那些要违反正确规律的人。
The swede could not possibly remember all these words and so his friends decided to teach him only the answers in their proper order. 瑞典人不可能记住这些话,所以他的朋友们就决定只教他按顺序学会这些问题的答语。
A sentence is formed by putting words together in a proper order. 将单词以正确的顺序排列在一起就形成了一个句子。
Consequently, the person with over-all responsibility in the locality must take into account the history and circumstances of the struggle there and put the different tasks in their proper order; 因此,一个地区的总负责人,必须考虑到该处的斗争历史和斗争环境,将各项工作摆在适当的地位;
When the photos are in the proper order, click the save button. 当相片以适当的次序排列好了之后,点击保存按钮。
Of course, man must make the machines, place them in proper order, and keep them running properly. 当然,人必须制造机器,予以适当安排,使之保持正常运转。
This short activity asks the students to arrange lines from a conversation into the proper order. 这个小练习要求学生们将谈话中的句子按先后顺序重新排列。
To name the32 points of the compass in proper order. 按适当顺序说出罗盘的32个方位。
The four strokes in the four-stroke-cycle engine, in their proper order, are intake, compression, power, and exhaust. 四冲程循环发动机中,四个冲程的固定顺序是:进气、压缩、作功和排气。
She disposed the furniture in proper order. 她将家具排列在适当的地方。
It processes incoming messages, and applies them in the proper order to the database. 处理进来的消息,并以适当的顺序将其应用到数据库中。
Conclusion In the community serves in proper order, not only will attach importance to the prevention and cure of old people's body disease, hygienic education and health of spirit that more will attach importance to old people is health propaganda. 在社区服务中,不仅要重视老年人躯体疾病的防治,更要重视老年人的精神卫生教育和健康宣传。所患疾病无法治愈的人。
You will have His help in keeping your priorities in the proper order. 如果你愿意将圣灵作为首要之务的话,你就可以得到他的帮助。
The three shapes comprise the FIRST logo, and robots that arranged them in the proper order get more points. 这三个形状组成了FIRST的标志,而机器人把它们排放到一个恰当的顺序可以得到更高的分。
The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cats butt. 妥善的处理办法是亲我一下,然后去闻闻其他的狗儿猫儿的屁屁。
The degree of difficulty in algorithms is gradually enhanced in proper order from dynamic programming to continue fraction algorithm. 算法的实现难易程度由动态规划算法到多项式算法依次提高。
Main point: the strength should seep into skin gradually in proper order of vital point, no contrary. 要领:力量要逐渐渗透,要按照排列的顺序操作,不要逆返。
Not in the proper order or sequence. 未按照正当的次序或顺序地。
To determine proper order of evaluation, treat the contacts as though they were resistors, and as if you were determining total resistance of the series-parallel network formed by them. 要确定评估适当的命令,对待电路网络,把他们当作是电阻器,并且确定混联的总主抗由他们形成。
Who had come with him to see that EVETYTHING was carried out in proper order. 他门跟他来是要确保一切按适当程序进行。
But the worst is that the essential songs avowedly do not stand in the proper order. 但最糟糕的是,基本的歌曲公然没有站在正确的顺序。
The pages aren't in proper order. 这些页数次序不对。
The cylinders must fire in the proper order and at a precise instant, depending on engine speed, load and temperature conditions. 各缸的点火应该有合适的顺序和精确的时间,这取决于发动机的转速、负荷和温度。
You will fall in for roll call in proper order. 你们要有秩序地集合点名。